Roast pork from the grill
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill , baking tray, fireproof dish
For the roast:
• 1 roast pork shoulder
• ½ l Maibock or similar beer
• ¼ l water or stock
• QS Salt
• 2 carrots
• ¼ celery, peeled
• 2 onions
• 1 parsley root
• 1 bunch of parsley
• Oil, salt
• 2 tbsp medium hot mustard
• QS Garlic
• ½ tsp caraway seeds, roasted
• 6−8 peppercorns
• Peel of ½ lemon
• 15 g oregano (fresh)
• 15 g parsley leaves
• Salt pepper
• 1 sip of beer
Bavaria is glowing!
➊ For the marinade, crush the herbs and spices in a mortar, add the mustard and the splash of beer and grind until a homogeneous paste is formed.
➋ First salt the pork shoulder and then rub it with the salt.
➌ Roughly chop the vegetables with a knife and mix them with a little oil and salt in a bowl, place on a baking tray and roast on the grill.
➍ Pour the beer into a pan, top up with water (or stock), place the pork roast with the rind side down and cook for approx. 30 minutes at 130 °C. Then turn it over, cut the rind into a diamond shape, add the roasted vegetables and cook the roast at 220 °C until the core temperature reaches 82 °C.
➎ Then turn it over, cut the rind into a diamond shape, add the roasted vegetables and cook the roast at 220 °C until the core temperature reaches 82 °C.
Recipe by Giuseppe Messina
Giuseppe is an international professional chef with a great passion for regional Bavarian cuisine and a true master of culinary seduction. He presents his dishes in unusual textures and imaginative shapes that always tell a story. He created this recipe for "Bayern glüht" (Bayern glows), a campaign for tested quality from Bavaria in collaboration with FIRE&FOOD.
Pictures: StMELF