Sitting grilled pheasant with pumpkin mash and glazed chestnuts
Recipe Facts
Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎
Quantity for:
approx. 4 people
Preparation time:
⧗ individual
Grilling time:
⧗ individual
Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, chicken seat (Beer Can)
• 1 pheasant (approx. 1 kg)
• Chicken seat
For the roasted pumpkin mash:
• 1 Hokkaido pumpkin
• Salt, pepper, nutmeg
• 2 tbsp sour cream
For the glazed chestnuts:
• 16 chestnuts
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1 tsp water
➊ Set up the grill for direct and indirect grilling and heat to 200 °C.
➋ Make a cross-shaped cut in the convex side of the chestnuts and place them in cold water for 1 hour. Then grill at 200 °C for 20-25 minutes. Then allow to cool and peel. Dissolve some sugar in water, reduce and toss the chestnuts in it until translucent.
➌ Set the grill to 160 °C. Wash the pheasant and pat dry. Place on a chicken seat (beer can), but do not pour in any liquid. Place in the grill in the indirect zone.
➍ Halve the pumpkin, scrape out the insides and grill the halves on the grill over direct heat with the inside facing down. As soon as it has browning marks, turn it over and roast the other side. Once it has taken on enough roasting aromas, place it in the indirect zone.
➎ Close the lid and cook the pheasant and pumpkin for 30 minutes, turning the pheasant from time to time. The core temperature of the bird should be 72 °C. Then remove from the heat immediately, as game birds are very sensitive and tend to dry out and become tough quickly.
➏ When the pumpkin is cooked soft, cut it into cubes and mash it. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and fold in the sour cream. Slightly creamy with noticeable chunks - that's how it is best. Serve with the pheasant and chestnuts.
Recipe by Freddy Boetzelen
The man behind the coals: Frederik, or Freddy for short, is a trained chef and professional BBQer and lives in the Allgäu region. The self-confessed globetrotter draws inspiration from the world's most diverse treasure troves for his culinary creations.
Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 04/2023