Media Day – First FIRE&FOOD BBQ DAY for trade and general press

On March 28, the trade and general press will meet for the first FIRE&FOOD Media Day at 360°BBQ in Frankfurt am Main. To kick off the hot phase of the 2025 barbecue season, FIRE&FOOD – together with manufacturers in the barbecue industry – would like to present the latest and trendiest barbecue products to media representatives. Interested retailers are welcome to join in.

The FIRE&FOOD Media Day aims to provide qualified information to the media. Fake news does not stop at the grill and barbecue sector. Media reports often contain one-sided or even false statements about

Grill topics and grill products. The reason for this is often inadequate sources from which they are drawn. Research using AI tools in particular is often a misleading source of information. For example, the best places in the grill appliance rankings are not determined by the popularity or quality of a grill appliance, but often by the size of the social media budget. New products and innovative products from mostly young brands find it difficult to gain market access because the investment in reach to achieve a relevant level of awareness is usually too high.

At the FIRE&FOOD media day, it is possible to experience the grill products and the people behind them 1:1. They are happy to show their products and are available to answer questions.

Further information on the FIRE&FOOD Media Day and an offer for grill equipment/grill accessory manufacturers is available on request from Elmar Fetscher