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Bookazine No.3 - Spit Grilling (German)

3 Bewertungen
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  • €9,90
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The 3rd FIRE&FOOD Bookazine on the subject of spit grilling

Who hasn't done it before: Putting a sausage on a skewer and grilling it over a campfire. The sharpened hazelnut stick becomes a spear replacement, and the sausage becomes the prey. You suddenly feel like you're back in the role of a prehistoric hunter, preparing food in an archaic way over the protective campfire. Since the Stone Age, skewer grilling has probably been the most original form of grilling. It still appeals to our primal instincts today and, thanks to its easy-to-master technique, has become one of the most popular and widespread types of grilling.

For this bookazine, the best grill masters have once again agreed to show their favorite skewer recipes. We spent more than a year on the road for this issue, collecting recipes, grilling, photographing and tasting the delicious grilled food. The result is a collection of recipes that shows the full variety of skewer grilling. From asado to satay to shashlik - it is a skewer grilling journey around the world and offers delicious enjoyment to every lover of this special grilling technique.

Product details & dimensions

120 pages, format 22 x 29 cm, in high-quality bookazine softcover or in PDF format

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02 April 2021
Lutz B.
Germany Germany

Gute Kaufentscheidung

Dies ist nicht mein erstes Bookazine. Es ist wie alle anderen auch sehr informativ und bringt ausserordentlich leckere Anregungen. Macht weiter so!

14 August 2020
Detlef S.
Germany Germany
Ich empfehle dieses Produkt


Jetzt bin ich auch zum Spießer geworden. Zielgerichtet gesucht, gefunden und gekauft. Das Bookazin ist hervorragend, wie alle aus der Serie.

07 August 2020
Nils B.
Germany Germany
Ich empfehle dieses Produkt

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