Apple-Apricot Crumble with Almond-Vanilla Sauce

Dessert -

Apple-Apricot Crumble with Almond-Vanilla Sauce

recipe facts

Difficulty level:
medium ◉◉◉◎◎

Quantity for:
4 people

Preparation time:
⧗ individually

Grilling time:

Grill(s) & Equipment:
• Grill, bowl, grill-proof dish


• 250 ml white port wine
• 250 ml apricot juice/apple juice
• 2 tablespoons light cane sugar
• 500 g apricots
• 2 apples (variety: Boskoop)
• 4 tablespoons Calvados
• 140 g wheat flour type 405
• 100 g light cane sugar
• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, ground
• 200 g soft organic margarine
(from non-hydrogenated vegetable fats), plus a little more for the mold
• 100 g white almond butter
(from the glass)
• approx. 50 ml almond milk
• pulp of 1 vanilla pod
• 1–2 teaspoons of agave syrup

Suitable accessories are available in the FIRE&FOOD shop.


Put the port wine and juice with the cane sugar in a pan and bring to the boil on the grill. Reduce the liquid to a syrup.
Wash the apricots, halve them and remove the stones. Peel the apples, quarter them and cut out the core. Then cut the apples into large pieces. Put the apricots and apples in a bowl with the Calvados and mix.

Add the fruit mixture to the hot syrup, stir well and bring to the boil briefly. Remove the pan from the grill. Grease a grill-proof dish (e.g. a ceramic quiche dish) with soft organic margarine.

Mix the wheat flour, cane sugar and gingerbread spice in a bowl. Add the soft organic margarine a little at a time and rub it into crumbs with your fingers. Pour the hot fruit compote and syrup into the greased dish. Spread the crumbles on top and bake the crumble in the preheated grill at 180 °C for 25-30 minutes.

Mix the almond paste with the almond milk to make a creamy sauce. Stir in the vanilla pulp and sweeten the sauce with the agave syrup.
Remove the apple crumble from the grill and serve it in the dish while it is still warm. Serve the almond vanilla sauce in a separate jug.

Recipe by Christian Henze

For the recipe, FIRE&FOOD visited star and TV chef Christian Henze in Kempten
in the Allgäu. Anyone who wants to experience Christian Henze in his element has the opportunity to do so in his themed cooking courses. Information at:

Recipe from FIRE&FOOD Magazine 03/2024

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