Chili Hot Dog
• 2 fresh chorizo or salsiccia
• 2 hot dog buns
• Chili (type and quantity depending on
own sharpness awareness)
• 100 g yoghurt
• 100 g crème fraiche
• 30 ml cream
• 4 tablespoons grated cheese
(Variety as desired)
• also freely as desired:
diced peppers, onions,
Jalapeño or spring onions
to sprinkle.
Don Caruso: “The idea for the recipe came to me when I ate a similar hot dog at the guys’ place from “The Wurst Case Scenario.”
Smoke the fresh bratwurst at 120°C for about 45 minutes (be sure to check the doneness - depending on the thickness of the sausages). In the meantime, toast the hot dog buns.
Put the smoked sausage in the hot dog bun and cover with 7-8 tablespoons of chili. Sprinkle cheese on top and grill the whole thing indirectly on the inverted "doggy grill" until the cheese has melted.
In the meantime, mix a sauce from yoghurt, cream and crème fraîche and spread it evenly over the hot dog. Sprinkle with desired ingredients and enjoy!
FIRE&FOOD Issue 1-2016